Stop the Gerrymander Press Conference
Join the Stop the Gerrymander Press Conference Thursday
To: Civic Associations, Municipalities, and HOA's
Have you heard about in the gerrymandering that is going on in our county, and are very disappointed, to say the least? If so, you are not alone and have the opportunity join a broad coalition of fellow civic leaders to voice your displeasure, There will be a press conference arranged by county residents this Thursday, November 11th, from 2:00-3:00 pm at Cameron Grove in Upper Marlboro. If you plan to attend, please email Jon Robinson at (or call him at 301-648-7141). Also let him know if you would like to speak on behalf of your organization.
What’s Going On? On October 14 and 19, 6 members of the Prince George's County Council with no hearings or other community input pushed through a radical gerrymander of the 9 council districts in Prince George's County for personal political advantage. Councilman Davis submitted this map, with no advance notice to the other 4 members of the Council and no public input. This action tossed aside months of work that the Redistricting Commission had invested in producing a redistricting map that met best practices. These included taking testimony from a wide range of residents, legislators and other stakeholders that produced a least change map that did its best to keep communities of interest together.
This blatant gerrymandering has prompted county wide opposition by residents and civic leaders. To demonstrate the breadth and depth of this opposition, county residents are organizing a press conference to demonstrate this opposition from civic groups, home owners' associations and municipalities. Representatives from a cross section of these organizations will make brief statements to the press, followed by a question and answer session. The press conference is to give a variety of civic leaders about 2 minutes to list their organization and express their opposition to the gerrymandered map embodied in CR-123-2021 and tell their Council Members to vote “NO” on CR-123-2021, so the map produced by the Redistricting Commission can go into effect.
Press Conference Time, Place and Directions: The press conference will be held at the Cameron Grove just off Route 214 (Central Avenue) – Thursday, November 11, 2021 2:00PM -3:00PM
Here are directions on how to get to the press conference site: Going east on Route 214, Central Avenue, turn right onto Cameron Grove Blvd. Ahead will be a large building behind a circle, the Resort Center. Go right at the circle onto Fox Bow, take first left also onto Fox Bow. Turn left into entrance. Park only in spaces that say Visitor Parking. (If the space has a number, it's a private space.)
If you miss the first right, go around the circle and turn right onto New Acadia and turn right at first intersection, also New Acadia. Take first right into parking lot. Park only in spaces that say Visitor Parking. (If the space has a number, it's a private space.)
Hope to see you there Thursday.
Jon Robinson
P.S. This has been sent BCC to protect your privacy. Please feel free to share with leaders of other civic associations and municipal leaders that may share your concerns about the attempted gerrymandering of Prince George's County's Council Districts.