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Purple Line CAT meeting report

Report written by Deanna Echanique, Liasion

November 1, 2023

Gary Witherspoon is presenting.

Showed a rendering of the East Pines Beacon Heights station and the Glenridge station, but run in dedicated spaces instead of with traffic. 

Ray Biggs II (MTA) Presenting

Fall 2023 update Video

The Riverdale station will be the first complete station. The 1100 workers are making measurable progress along the alignment. A significant improvement is the new stormwater management system - 53% of the pipework is complete. These critical environmental upgrades must be completed before the tracks go in. The elevator connecting to the red line is nearing completion. Lots of pedestrian bridges. Concrete is complete for the elevated platform in Kenilworth.

More than half of the purple line stations are under construction, including showing pictures of installed canopies. Work is extensive in UMD college park - its lookin pretty good.

The Glenridge facility is now fully operational. Track installation is under way. Light rail vehicles are scheduled for delivery in early 2024.

In total, the project is 58% complete. 60 active construction sites. Underground utility relocation is 98% complete. More than half of the overhead catenary pole foundations are complete - this is to give the trains power. 3 out of 10 traction power substations are installed. Most of the trains are complete. 11 of the 28 stations are under construction.

Doran Bosso presenting


Summer 2025 Test Track complete

2025/2026 Winter systemwide testing begins

Spring 2027 passenger service

Tim Stevens presenting

Riverdale Park - foundations complete, canopies installed, platforms complete, started underground utilities. 

Upcoming - complete electric, complete utilities, begin track installation. 

Haig drive at River Road will be closed for approximately 1 month, this winter. Access to Riverdale Community Park from River Road will be temporarily closed. Pedestrian detours will be in place around the work zone.

Kenilworth Avenue Station 

Installed new curb and sidewalk. Traffic shift to create work zone to put up the bridge. Begin install of new ramp over east-west highway.

Upcoming - continue bridge ramp, complete piers, install girders over east west. 

December 2023 - detour Kenilworth Ave and East west will be implemented to place the light rail bridge to the aerial station. Nightly- 10pm to 5am, weekends, 10pm to 5am. December into a few weeks into 2024.

Riverdale Road - complete water and sewer relocation. Continue storm drain. Installed overhead power system and foundations, and curb for track. Upcoming - complete improvements to BWI Parkway. Nighttime closures on southbound BWI Parkway ramp.

Mustang Dr to 64th - closing roads in the near future. Mustang Dr will close down for track installation. Once mustang is open they will close down 63rd. Next 6 months.

Mustang will close to allow the construction, but will not occur until the new 64th avenue is complete. Occurring December.

Beacon Heights - new road, sidewalk complete. Will continue building foundations of beacon heights-east pines station.

Veterans Parkway - continuing storm drain install, track placement, stormwater management and planter boxes.

Upcoming - track placement, storm drain install, Stormwater management facilities. 6 months track will be placed on the full stretch of veterans looking close to completion.

Glenridge Facility - continuing work on the building and rail yard tracks. Soon they will begin site lighting and prepare the yard for delivery and conditioning of the new light rail vehicles.

Glenridge access bridge - completed placement of the concrete deck for the bridge. Completed wing walls. Not open for access yet, only for construction, but it is completed to enter the mall.

Glenridge Station - lookin good. station foundation, platform, canopy complete.

Northbound side of Veterans and Ellin Roads completed on northbound side. Completed drainage work, implemented long term traffic shift to northbound. 

Upcoming - Isn't tall track and underground services across the southbound lanes, installing new traffic signal. Ellin Road looking to open by the end of this year, early next year.

They are still working on storm drains through Ellin road to Hanson Oaks. Over head catenary system poles installed. Completed substation at New Carrollton and they are finishing up final utility tie-ins.


Working in the WMATA lot, building retaining walls.

New Presenter - Carla Julian

Purple line team members supported the Riverdale community. 

Existing traffic patterns will change as work occurs, as needed. Work may occur on both sides of the road and across roadways.

Beyond the Rails Community

Funding for community grants. 12 grants per year - November 30th is the deadline for this round. 


Teena - How likely is it that opening will happen in spring 2027? Glenridge - for stations without parking areas - will there be a kiss and ride or drop-off station?

Answer: Spring 2027 is still the target date from Fall 2026. They are trying to stay on target. Parking is NOT included in any of the stations -as this is a transit project. They are trying to get cars off of the road.

Steve Hartiq - What connections if any are planned for the New Carrollton station for bike and pedestrian infrastructure?

Difficult to get to on foot or by bicycle. 

Answer - Bike and pedestrians planned throughout the corridor. Will submit - some are posted on the website but will send them directly

Deanna (me)- Will we have a chance to do a meet and greet with the vehicles? See the trains before they go on the rails, invite CAT members/the public ,etc?

Answer - they will get back to us.

Steve again - tentative timing for flyover at Riverdale Park?

Answer - January, should be done.

Teena again - Along veterans after Glenridge, is the train elevated or is it with traffic? Could not tell from pic

Answer - Level crossing/at grade from Veterans into Ellin Road.

Ray Biggs - they got our emails and will provide info.



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