Appalling Lack of Transparency in Redistricting Map

Date: October 15, 2021 Time:10:25 AM
The County Charter requires that every ten years after the Census the County Council appoints a commission to propose a new redistricting plan. They held eleven public meetings and two public hearings. The redistricting process is fundamental to our democracy.
Yesterday afternoon in the County Council’s Committee of the Whole, Council Member Derrick Leon Davis proposed a brand-new map that I and several of my colleagues had not seen before. His map is completely
different from the one proposed by the Redistricting Commission, which many of you have seen at the public hearings. Our
debate was intense but short, as there was little opportunity to suggest changes and no willingness by the sponsor of the map, or many of our colleagues, to consider any changes to his map.
The lack of transparency was appalling. The Council approved the map proposed by Council Member Davis by a vote of 6-4. Those opposing it were Tom Dernoga, Dannielle Glaros, Monique Anderson-Walker a
nd I. Those voting for it were Chair Calvin Hawkins, Vice Chair Deni Taveras, Mel Franklin, Todd Turner, Sydney Harrison and Derrick Leon Davis.
The meeting was live-streamed and the archived video should be available to view here at the 3:47:45 mark.
For our District 5 residents, this new map includes multiple changes to your re
presentation. Below are several of the largest changes:
The Port Towns will be split up with some remaining in District 5 while Edmonston will be in District 2. The Town of Landover Hills and Bellemeade community will be moved to District 5 from District 3. Cedar Heights, Seat Pleasant and a part of Summerfield will be moved
into District 5 from District 7.
Keep in mind that our County Charter requires that Council Members must live in their district for one year prior to running in a primary election. The Council primary is in June 2022. This new map may impact multiple individuals across the County who are already running for County Council next year or are planning to but will have been required to live within these new boundaries since last June. This is the reason that the Redistricting Commission’s map only changed boundaries when it was necessary for population balance.
To view the Redistricting Commission’s report click here: To view the map proposed by Council Member Davis that was ap
proved today click here:
The new proposed Councilmanic district map will be on the agenda for Introduction on Tuesday morning. If it receives a favorable vote on Tuesday, it will not be able to be changed. The public hearing will take place in November. However, at that time, only two options are possible: approval of the new map approved today, or the Council could take no action which would mean the Redistricting Commission's recommended map moves forward.
If you have concerns about the map or the process, I urge you to
reach out to your elected officials and the At-Large members before Tuesday, October 19, when this new map is on the agenda for Introduction. Their email addresses are available below.
Jolene Ivey Councilmember, District 5
Prince George's County Council Member Contact Information
Mel Franklin Council Member (At-Large)
Calvin S. Hawkins, II Chair, Council Member (At-Large)
Thomas E. Dernoga Council Member (District 1)
Deni Taveras Vice-Chair, Council Member (District 2)
Dannielle M. Glaros Council Member (District 3)
Todd M. Turner Council Member (District 4)
Jolene Ivey Council Member (District 5)
Derrick L. Davis Council Member (District 6)
Rodney C. Streeter Council Member (District 7)
Monique Anderson-Walker Council Member (District
Sydney J. Harrison Council Member (District 9)
To learn who represents you in local, state, and federal elected offices you can use the Board of Election map here.